Hi, I am june 13th, 1988 born. By birth i belong to Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Presently I am residing in Ranchi where my family lives in. I am pursuing my B.Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) from VIT University, Vellore.

I have a very big dream. Well its not that big but ya it is a bit. I just want to do something different, something innovative that everyone around this globe will like. Till now i have tried to perform my level best in whatever i have done till n ow. And i will definitely carry on the momentum but still i want to do something big and different, both for name and fame...

Keeping this in mind i have started up an online firm for taking up computer related works. I am very happy that i have got lots and lots of support from each and everyone who came to know about it. Presently i have around 7 people including me who are actively working in. I have given the name of "DREAM VIDEO AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES (DVST)" to my firm. 

The link to my firm's website is www.dvstlimited.hpage.com

Presently it is a temporary website which is a free one hosted by the support of "hpage" but our very own website is under construction and the tentative date for its uploading is set out to be 11th October, 2009.


More about DVST in the DVST page...

My family consists of my parents and my little sister. Theyall have actually in one way or the other supported me a lot throughout these years. As i am a student i have definitely tried to perform best in my academics but still my graph fell down for the past one year almost. But now i have decided to pull it back up and i wil do it definitely.


Thank you

Kumar Utkarsh


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